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2025 PMC Kids Rides


Sunday, May 4, 2025
Belkin Lookout Farm

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Event Details

  • Sunday, May 4, 2025
  • Belkin Family Lookout Farm
    89 Pleasant St. S, Natick, MA 01760
  • 8:30 am: Registration
  • 10:30 am: After party hosted by Belkin Family Lookout Farm
  • Ages 2 to 13 (two separate courses by age and ability - see below)
  • Registration Fee: $20
  • Required Fundraising Commitment: $40
  • Virtual (not in-person) event option available!
  • Contact: Julie Shank

Join the Natick PMC Kids Ride!

We hope that you will join us as we raise money for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.


PMC Kids Rides give children the opportunity to experience the joy of volunteerism and charitable giving through physical fitness and community spirit. Money raised through the event goes to the Pan Mass Challenge/Jimmy Fund, the most successful athletic fundraiser in the nation. Kids also have the option to raise funds in the name of a relative or friend fighting cancer or to dedicate their ride to a special person. Click on "fundraising" in the top menu to learn great ways to make a big difference!

As always, 100% of funds raised goes directly to the cause... you don't get more efficient than that!

Schedule of Events

  • 8:30 - 9:15 am – Registration
  • 9:15 - 9:30 am – Opening Ceremonies
  • 9:30 - 10:30 am – RIDE!
  • 10:30 am – After party co-hosted by Belkin Family Lookout Farm, with food, raffle and more! Where else can you get apple cider donuts in May?! All riders receive free admittance to the newly re-opened Kids Play area on the day of the event. 


The farm's orchard offers two exciting route options:

  • Mini Fruit Loop: A central course for the littlest riders on more than two wheels, such as big wheels, trikes or training wheels.
  • Adventure Express: A 1.1 mile circuit through the orchard pathways for riders on two wheels.
  • Virtual Rider: Virtual riders are those who would prefer to ride on their own and not in person at the event. Virtual riders who raise $50 or more will receive an official PMC Kids Rides t-shirt and water bottle at the end of June for spring rides or at the end of September for fall rides. Virtual riders have no registration fee or fundraising commitment.



Register to Ride

Parents will need to create an account or log in with an existing account to register their child or family. When creating an account, please enter the parent's information first, as there will be a separate section in registration to enter the child's information.

Under "Event Option" parents will be able to select a route for each child. Riders have a $20 registration fee and a $40 fundraising minimum. Parents will need to sign a waiver and agree to the fundraising commitment in order to complete registration. In-person riders will receive their rider kit at the ride.

Virtual Rider

Parents will be able to select the “Virtual Rider” route if their child will not be riding in person but still wants to support the PMC Kids Rides program. Virtual riders can ride in their own neighborhood on the day of the ride or whenever they'd like! If a virtual rider raises $50 or more, they will receive an official PMC Kids Rides t-shirt and water bottle at the end of June for spring rides and at the end of September for fall rides. 

Once registration is complete for both in-person and virtual riders, parents will receive a confirmation email with information on how to log into their management page to customize donation pages and to track donations. 


The fundraising minimum for each rider is $40 and is due by September 1.

Riders who go above and beyond with their fundraising will be recognized as Heavy Hitters or Breakaway Fundraisers and will receive a special gift in recognition of their fundraising efforts.

  • Heavy Hitter –$500+, riders will receive a special PMC Kids Rides gift and certificate.
  • Breakaway Fundraiser – $1,000+, riders will receive a special PMC Kids Rides branded gift and certificate.

Fundraising Tips

  • Customize your rider profile page (set a goal, include why you are riding and a photo)
  • Set up a Facebook Fundraiser
  • Start your fundraising early
  • Send out hand-written letters or emails to your friends and family
Click here for more fundraising tips


100 percent of all rider-raised dollars go directly to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Donate online or by check. Checks can be made payable to the Pan-Mass Challenge or PMC. Please send all checks to:

PMC Kids Rides
77 4th Ave
Needham, MA 02494

Make sure that the rider's name is listed so they can receive credit!


The PMC Kids Rides program follows all public health regulations and guidelines for your area.

General Safety Tips!

  1. Wear a properly-fitted helmet (children are required to wear helmets when participating).
  2. Ride in control – this is not a race.
  3. Hands should remain on handlebars.
  4. Never wear any kind of headphones. You need to hear clearly.
  5. Follow the ride guides and volunteers.
  6. When passing other rides, make sure to yell “on your left!” Never pass riders on the right.
  7. If you need to slow down or stop to cross an intersection or obstacle, yell “slowing” or “stopping” to alert those behind you.

Each PMC Kids Ride has a licensed medical professional on site.


Get the entire family involved and support the event by volunteering! Be a ride marshal, work at a water stop, help distribute snacks and more. Volunteers will need to create an account and then will be able to select the position(s) that they would like.

PMC Pedal Partner Program

The PMC Pedal Partner Program is a wonderful way for riders to connect with a child who has been affected by cancer. PMC Pedal Partners are pediatric oncology patients at the Jimmy Fund Clinic who are paired with PMC Kids Rides or PMC teams.

If you know a child in treatment at the Jimmy Fund who is interested in being a PMC Pedal Partner for a PMC Kids Ride, please contact Katie Iwanowicz, PMC Pedal Partner Program Coordinator, at katie@pmc.org 


Artwork by a patient at the Jimmy Fund Clinic.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Natick PMC Kids Rides relies on local sponsors to help keep costs low and so that the PMC can continue to donate 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar directly to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. If you or your company are interested in becoming a sponsor or donating items (pizza, ice cream, snacks, sporting tickets, gift cards, baskets, etc), please click on the button below.